This chapter explores the possibilities for International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) and other organizations whose objectives partly overlap to join their efforts in launching activities and stimulate collaborations that promote an interdisciplinary view of science. The 2005 Asia Regional Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand in November, 2005 under the primary auspices of the International Association of Applied Psychology, with support from IUPsyS and International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. The Executive Committee reviewed activities of the Union's several international research networks and projects. As noted in recent annual reports, the Union remains very concerned about the implications for research and special project of possible changes in funding received from UNESCO via International Council for Science (ICSU) and International Social Science Council (ISSC). A separate detailed report and financial statements for the project as well as audited financial statements for 2005 will be submitted to the ICSU and ISSC secretariats.