The planned objective of ‘Conferences On A More Democratic United Nations’ (CAMDUN)-1 was to bring together diverse proposals for democratic reform of the UN. CAMDUN-1 was greatly strengthened by Harold Stassen’s participation and plenary address, in which he described the 1990 edition of his Draft Charter. During the Opening Plenary the following message from Dr Marek Hagmajer, Secretary-General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), was excerpted from a letter to us and read to the Conference: WFUNA is deeply interested in the functioning of the United Nations and in the improvement of its performance. The CAMDUN-1 Conference endorsed the call by Ramses Nassif, former Press Spokesman for UN Secretary-General U Thant, for the convening of an independent international commission to study and report on UN reform and modernization as a prelude to a UN Charter Review Conference.