J. C. McCroskey, V. P. Richmond, and J. A. Daly developed the Perceived Homophily Measure (PHM) in 1975. McCroskey et al. provided discriminant validity information on the homophily measure when they reported that same-sex opinion leaders were perceived as more homophilous with their followers than were non-opinion leaders. Most studies employed only one or two dimensions of the measure. For this reason, McCroskey and Richmond reevaluated the factor structure of the PHM. They suggested that the Appearance and Morality factors were unstable and cautioned users to use only the Attitude and Background factors. For this reason, only the Attitude and Background subscales are presented. Future research should provide test-retest reliability information as well as further evidence of criterion-related validity. In addition, scores on the homophily measure were examined in conjunction with scores on a measure of source credibility and interpersonal attraction.