This chapter addresses the Na-Dene' (Navajo) conception of giftedness in an interconnected sequence and segments congruent with Navajo thought. It first provides an extensive and detailed framework for clarity, understanding, and critical thought. Next, the chapter profiles a categorical classicism on the application of this concept to everyday life for objectivity and simplicity. It then addresses how this concept has a most important role and value in family teaching, socialization for respect, responsibility, ethics, and other culturally redeeming qualities and values. A man or a woman in Dine’ culture is judged by one’s cultural knowledge, conduct, and wisdom, which reflects how one was raised by one’s family, clans, their upbringing of the person to become a good person, Dine’ Ya’at’eehi, Asdzaani Ya’at’eehi. Last, the chapter offers an afterthought for contemplative review, to give fullness and completeness for proper and appropriate due reflection, reverence, and continuation.