This chapter includes papers by early psychoanalysts other than Freud. The papers are listed chronologically by date published, even though they may have been presented earlier. They constitute a developing dialogue (and debate) that is best comprehended when the articles are placed in context. Andreas-Salome emphasizes that the concept of primary narcissism includes not only self-love, but also the persistent feeling of identification with the totality. She applies this concept of a movement toward fusion to three issues: object love, values, and transformations of narcissism to creativity. Jones Ernest briefly discusses case material and an example from the literature to confirm Abraham’s observations on manifestations of the female castration complex. In his article, Horney Karen looks at the diverse unconscious motivations concerning marriage, the wish for a monogamous ideal, and the ubiquity of marital conflicts. Deutsch Helene discusses the origin of femininity, the central importance of masochism to feminine psychology, and the nature of frigidity.