Metaphysical speculation inspired Husserl with a tenacious distrust. Phenomenology already appears at the same time as the resolute and bold transgressing of metaphysics and the most consistent restoring of metaphysics. In a certain sense, the transcendental reduction is an eidetic reduction. What it permits describing will always be an essential necessity and not an empirical factuality. Every metaphysical presupposition would have been blotted out if the structures of consciousness were absolutely originary, and if they were not themselves already constituted in a certain sense still mundane. Metaphysics is indeed for Husserl the knowledge of being as being: at once a practical and a theoretical imperative; theoretical reason is practical reason dominated by the idea of a task. The history of being, of the thought of being, would not be exhausted, and metaphysics would be, in all the senses of the word, but an epoch.