Shah Walīullāh – Quṭb al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Abd al-Raḥīm – was born near Delhi at sunrise on 4 Shawwaal 1114 (Wednesday 21 February 1703) to a distinguished family, known for its contribution to the educational, intellectual and religious life of Delhi. On his paternal side Shah Walīullāh claimed descent from the second caliph while his mother’s family claimed descent from the Prophet’s grandson. His paternal grandfather, Wajīh al-Dīn Ghāzī Shahīd, had been a commander in the army of Aurangzeb, who bestowed on him the title of ghāzī; his father, Shah Abd al-Raḥīm, was an eminent savant who gave up his imperial nobility in order to devote himself to learning and mysticism.