This chapter is a comprehensive reference manual providing information on the Neurobehavioral Rating Scale – Revised (NRS-R), which is a clinician rating scale that draws on the results of objective cognitive tests and behavioural observations. It was one of the first rating scales to be developed for clinicians to document neurobehavioural consequences of traumatic brain injury, and was designed to sample the diversity of neurobehavioural sequelae occurring in all grades of severity. The reliability of the NRS has been examined in patients with dementia and used with patients with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and focal cerebral lesions including arteriovenus malformations, infarction and tumour. A brief history of the instrument's development is provided, along with a description of item content and administration/scoring procedures. Psychometric properties are reviewed and a critical commentary is provided. Key references are cited and in most cases the actual scale is included, giving the reader easy access to the instrument.