This chapter is based on a study of the national and regional dimensions of road potential accessibility undertaken in the Podlaskie Voivodeship in north-eastern Poland. It presents changes in accessibility that have occurred in the 2014-2020 programming period with particular attention to the effects of the road transport policy implemented at the regional level, assessed using potential accessibility indicators. Indicators were calculated at the intra-national level (destinations within the country) and at the regional level (destinations only in the Podlaskie Voivodeship). The basic research unit was the municipality. The effects are understood here as both a general improvement in accessibility, that is, an increase in the indicator value for the region and for individual units, and its geographic reach. This brings in the additional objective of assessing EU-supported investment programmes on how they reduce the peripherality of a region in a given state and of the region’s inner peripheries within the region itself. The study conclusions indirectly demonstrate the need for a flexible transport policy in peripheral areas, both at the EU and the member state levels.