Life-world (Lebenswelt) is the world directly experienced by the intentional life of the subjectivity. The life-world, as such, is "our" world, i.e., my own world and the world of others in everyday life. The life-world is, however, immediately and directly experienced in the subjectivity of everyday life, i.e., life lived day after day and day by day. If life-world is the world of everyday life, then it is made of various "objects:" living bodies, values, cultural objects, institutions. The life-world has its own general structures but those structures are the universal a priori structures of transcendental subjectivity. The life-world ontology is a phenomenological investigation of the main structures of the life-world, structures that are common to the world thematized by modern sciences and to the pre-scientific world of everyday life. Based on a reflective analysis of the natural attitude, Alfred Schutz description of the main structures of the life-world has stressed the importance of the paramount reality of everyday life.