In this chapter, the author tries to follow how the expressivity of a vivid, actively mattering world like this both underscores certain kinds of thought and makes thought dense and oblique with labors, the constant scanning of possibilities, and an attunement to the amassed detritus of cruel or surprisingly gentle events. A concrete conceptuality of objects, events, and bodies unfolded and recoiled in an overwhelm of tendencies and associations, openings and divisions. As in Foucault’s philosophy of incorporeal materialism, found objects and the things that happened held the potential for realignment and reorganization. The method of mattering here was a mode of contact between disparate elements moving in and out of sync. Every singularity of story and event suggested the partial, though striking, coherence of an energetic milieu in motion. Sitting together, people “ran their mouths” as if they were the metronomes of the world.