In this chapter, the author wants to think of species-hate more like a social anthropologist would, as something involving collective practices and shared spaces, however much it manifests through individual psyches. As per usual, the tricky part is how a misanthropologist might go about trying to ‘prove’ species-hate exists. A lengthy biographical analysis is beside the point, but a bit of detail about the person behind the performance is required to understand how GG Allin emerged within the US punk scene and the collective spaces he belonged to within it. In 2013, the small punk merchandiser Aggronautix, better known for selling punk bobblehead figurines, published a book titled My Prison Walls. The rhetorical tone of the question is a bit like a textual version of that extraordinary image of the guy at Allin’s last show, the one running around trying to stick his finger up Allin’s ass while decked out in plastic to “protect” himself from GG’s actual shit.