The concept of 'uprootings/regroundings' provides framework for rethinking home and migration in ways that open out the discussion beyond oppositions such as stasis versus transformation. Rather than thinking of home and migration as constituted through processes that neatly map onto 'migrating' and 'homing', uprootings/regroundings makes it possible to consider home and migration in terms of a plurality of experiences, histories and constituencies, and of the workings of institutional structures. Postcolonial feminist theorists have led way in theorizing ‘border-zones’ and mestizo identities in relation to work of migration and inhabitance. And they have shown the people that long-standing categories of difference addressed in feminist work become important in new ways when addressed in relation to uprootings/regroundings. More importantly still, while the collection itself is grounded – it has its location, for sure – the chapters housed within it also inhabit and disrupt the overall theme of home and migration in ways that cannot be contained within the authors introduction.