This chapter argues that Weaver is an exemplary theatrical practitioner of the many necessary layers of care, with a special aptitude for – and self-aware, metatheatrical emphasis on – competence of care, or caring well. What Tammy Needs to Know about Getting Old and Having Sex started with a small commission from London's Chelsea Theatre in 2008, its focus motivated by Weaver's own experiences of ageing. The Care Café is a model for public engagement that Weaver devised and tried out after the 2016 US general election as 'a temporary venue for communitas, conversation and activity within a spoken and visible frame of "care"'. Unexploded Ordnances or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love (UXO) is a theatre performance that Split Britches made in 2018 with several other artists such as Matt Delbridge and women in their twenties and early thirties, including Hannah Maxwell, Claire Nolan, and Jo Palmer.