Middle- and long-distance running events are largely fuelled by the oxidative metabolism of carbohydrate. To understand the nutritional requirements of various distance running events, it is important to first explain how metabolic energy systems resynthesise the high energy compound found in all muscle cells, adenosine triphosphate. Dietary reference values provide the recommended intake of micronutrients for 97.5% of the population; however, regular exercise may increase the turnover and loss of these micronutrients, thus greater intakes of some vitamins and minerals may be required in runners. Although a sufficient intake of all vitamins and minerals is important for runners, this section will discuss the micronutrients that runners should pay most attention. Consuming enough calories to meet daily energy needs should be a priority for runners. The total daily energy requirement for runners depends upon a variety of factors including age, sex, body mass, body composition, basal metabolic rate, non-exercise physical activity levels and the nature of exercise training.