This chapter explores the implementation of forum theatre and process drama as ways of creating resilience to covert violence among children and youth. Theatre is particularly powerful for K-12 students because there is an intimacy between their lives and creativity that can become lost as adults. The use of theatre recognizes the assertion of power that is present in covert violence. Theatre “plays” with the artifice of entrapment by breaking down boundaries and playing with relationships to liberate those who experience aggression while also educating bullies on the effects of their actions. The chapter examines how to incorporate theatre into classrooms as moments of “interstanding” (sharing understanding within shared experience) while removing the power of imposed powerlessness in order to avoid or minimize future episodes of violence. As a result, the rehearsing for resistance will allow learners to instill within themselves a sense of resilience and strength moving into the future. This chapter is meant to be instructive for teachers and students throughout the K-12 system – and beyond.