“212” is the first single from Azealia Banks’ debut album Broke with Expensive Taste (2014), co-written and produced by the Dutch electro-house duo Lazy Jay who first released its beat under the title Float My Boat (2009). The aim of this chapter is to unpack the secrets to success of “212” by focusing in particular on the track's groove, production, vocal delivery, and overall stylistic fusion of rap, reggaetón, pop, and house. We argue that Banks’ expressive range and seamless fusion of singing and rapping, her negotiations between confirming and protesting hip-hop norms, in combination with the style mix inherent in both Lazy Jay's original beat and her own rendition, were key to the track's success. An important aspect is the mix of musical forms typical of song and groove-directed repertoires, which allowed for many different interpretations and uses.