LEGO® bricks are among the world’s most iconic play objects. Capitalizing on the appeal of LEGO® play across the life span, this chapter begins with an overview of several current therapeutic applications, followed by the theoretical underpinnings of the specific LSP methodology. Only recently has the use of LEGO® bricks within therapeutic contexts appeared in literature. LEGO®-based therapy is a well-researched directive group social skills intervention for school-age children with autism, social communication needs, dysregulation issues, and other neurodevelopmental disorders that are typically offered in education or after-school settings. LEGO® Serious Play® is a structured facilitation methodology for group work that combines LEGO® model creation and metaphoric storytelling for active engagement. The chapter focuses on the universal appeal of LEGO® play across the life span by introducing an integrative multi-model therapeutic group approach for object mediated communication.