Group play therapy is a powerful way to create a therapeutic space for a child or teen to connect to peers in their cohort, test limits, try out new play and social behaviors, and receive genuine feedback in a safe environment. Many philosophies of play therapy are conducive to traditional, in-person play therapy groups including non-directive and directive approaches. The Integrated Play Therapy Group Model of Our Village is presented, with key integration of three developmentally sensitive, directive, and evidence-based approaches of psychology and behavioral sciences. These approaches include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for children, Theraplay, and Teaching Interactions. In addition, both in-person and telehealth examples of strategies and interventions that are helpful in group play therapy are recommended for therapists to utilize and adapt to their own group needs. More research is needed in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for children and in Telehealth group play therapy.