Krishnaji Sobti had an inimitable style of narrating an incident. Never would one feel that she may be recalling something from as long back as 70 or more years ago. In the very process of narrating an incident or a story, she relived every moment as though it were happening in that moment itself. Writing about her contemporaries, commenting also on socio-political issues and recording her experiences of literary parties and get-togethers, Krishna Sobti had worked out a different style and a distinct voice for the volumes. The autonomy Krishnaji cherished for her own self gets amply reflected in her characters, too. The pulsating characters of her novels demand the ‘dignity of being’ in the same way as she sought it for herself. Krishnaji lived with that anguish till her end, but at different points of time she kept reverting to the theme of Partition in a variety of ways.