Bettelheim's The Uses of Enchantment' describes the way in which inner conflicts are processed by children in the symbolism and fantasy of fairy tales. In this paper, the author suggests that romance may be used as an adult form of fairy story and possess the same function, which is to allow prohibited desires and past trauma to be processed. Romance can be a fantasy in which essential images of the self are sustained and the past re-worked. Romance, therefore, demands the creation of a reflective image, draped over the other, like a costume. Collusion and complimentarity, as described by R.D. Laing, are required to maintain the fantasy. However, when the image threatens to have a life of its own, defences are activated, counter-defence ensues, and romance may become murderous. The ideas of Bettelheim, Freud, Klein and Laing are referred to, and a case study presented of the experience of a client whose romance has turned to murderousness.