In the last decade the far-right, associated with white nationalism, identitarian politics, and nativist ideologies, established itself as a major political force in the West, making substantial electoral gains across Europe, the USA, and Latin America, coalescing with the populist movements of Trump, Brexit, and Boris Johnson’s 2019 election in the UK. Ever since German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche died in 1900 his work has been riffled through, savaged, and pulled apart to support all kind of causes that mostly do not respect him or the integrity of his work. Nietzsche himself is an interpreter of himself and his own work: ‘How to become who you really are.’ But Nietzsche also regarded himself as the first psychologist, so what he calls ‘philosophy’ is a problem—it is a problem because, as Badiou explains, Nietzsche does not regard himself as a philosopher because the philosopher is a ‘criminal’, a variant of the priest.