In a fast-evolving translation industry, practices and workflows often undergo essential changes to which all its stakeholders need to adapt. These stakeholders include language-service companies, translation departments in businesses, end-clients, professional translators and academic educators and researchers. The emergence of new job descriptions and the transformation of existing ones call for updated training methods and models. Machine translation post-editing is currently a field of interest in Translation Studies, a trend recognized by the inclusion of the relevant skills in the European Master’s in Translation Framework under the label ‘Strategic, Methodological, and Thematic Competence’. Inxsxs this chapter, a review of the syllabi and courses in postgraduate programmes in Europe is proposed, and the authors explore the views of the educators involved in these programmes, views collected via an online questionnaire and one-on-one interviews. This makes it possible to show how the European Master’s programmes have undergone an update in relation to post-editing syllabi in order to adapt to current market needs.