One of the key components of a research methods class that makes it unique from other lower division psychology courses is its course requirement to complete a term project. This project usually comes in the form of an original study that must be carried out by small groups of peers. Classmates will be asked, some of them for the very first time, to break into small groups to design and carry out their very own scientific study that will take the entire term to complete. It is important for students to choose their group mates wisely, as it will largely affect their experience and overall success in the course. Despite their best efforts, some students will end up being members of an ill-functioning group. There are a few ways to go about dealing with such a situation, including talking to your professor about any issues you are running into with your group mates. They will often have helpful advice to assist you and your group mates in problem solving with one another. It is also important to maintain an open flow of communication between all your group mates and to hold each other accountable for both individual and communal tasks.