This chapter investigates the discussion upon the question of ‘Stays or no Stays’, and describes experience to the controversy, hoping that it may assist somewhat those mothers who are anxious for the good health, as well as the good appearance, of their girls. It shows that boned stays are both unnecessary and detrimental to health. The frame-work of stays is against the natural relative change of position in the most delicate parts when people stoop, sit, or stand. Sufficient support is given by such a stay, and always wears what are called ‘Zephyr’ ventilating ones; but no doubt there are many more equally good. Mother never allowed girls to wear stays until they were eighteen years of age, and ever since then they have grumbled at the discomfort in one way or another. The father is totally against stays, and insists that girls little know the harm they do themselves in after-life by crushing their bodies into stays.