The coming dress bazzar held in aid of the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants, was opened to the public yesterday afternoon by Lady Sandhurst, in the large room in the Kensington Town Hall. The stalls were prettily draped in pale green and citron colour, which harmonised with a beautifully furnished flower stall in the middle of the room. Near it stood the tent in which Miss Helen Murphy practised her art of palmistry. The chief interest centred in the dresses of the stall holders, most of which were designed by the Rational Dress Society. Of these there were two varieties, the ‘Syrian’ and the ‘Japanese’, and were carried out in many different colours, same of them quiet and subdued, others bright and pleasing. Lady Harberton, at whose stall miniature models of the Syrian costumes were sold, wore a dress of this order made in dark blue cashmere.