Madam, – As Secretary of a Branch of the N.U.W.S.S. may I be allowed space to congratulate you on the funds promised for The Common Cause extra pages? The paper has a wide circulation, and its columns are read by many interested in the vital topics of the day, and their relation to women. But, in the proposed extension of the paper I understand it is suggested to introduce an article on dress. Will this raise or lower the tone of the paper? Hints on dress-making can be obtained from countless other papers, and, up to the present, I consider the strength and value of The Common Cause has been in its strict adherence to that fight which English-women are making for justice and freedom, and any lowering of its ideals will but bring it down towards the level of those numberless papers that are trying to do the impossible – viz., to cater for the tastes of all classes. Perhaps other readers will give their opinion on this subject.