Since its inception in 1982, the place had earned a local and international reputation due to its atypical model, its distinguished atmosphere, its good food, its unbridled rumba, and its incomparable service to diners. Days before the end of 2019, Andres Jaramillo reflected on the brand image that his “Andrés Carne de Res” restaurant had achieved. Since its inception in 1982, the place had earned a local and international reputation due to its atypical model, its distinguished atmosphere, its good food, its unbridled rumba, and its incomparable service to diners. Restaurants in Colombia showed a steep decline in sales during the first years of 2000, but revenue had increased steadily from 2013 to 2016. Andres wanted to create a place where Colombian culture was exalted, where magic, music, flavour, and aroma were combined to build an icon of Colombian gastronomy and fun.