The Frege-Geach point (FGP) is often used to justify what is generally known as the force-content distinction (FCD) between forceful acts such as judging, asserting, or directing on the one hand and the forceless propositions that form their content, that what is asserted to be true or directed to be made true, on the other. Representationalism about force is therefore not an ad hoc suggestion to support a response to the FGP. In contrast, ordinary force indicators do make a difference to deductive validity. Overcoming the FCD by ascribing content to force indicators is an important first step in overcoming the FGP because content can unproblematically embed. On the higher-level act (HLA) account, FGP contexts can be entirely accounted for in terms of what they contain more, namely HLAs such as conditionalizing, disjoining and other logical acts, as well as interrogative acts and fictional acts such as e.g. joking and playacting.