Guillaume Faye (1949–2019), although lesser well known than Alain de Benoist, made a major contribution to the French New Right between 1979 and 2000. His book Le Système à tuer les peuples (1981) is essential reading to understand the ethnodifferentialist ideology of GRECE, the New Right think-tank, as well as its anti- liberal thought. Although Faye shared GRECE’s goal of using metapolitics as a tool for gaining influence, he did not want to confine himself to the realm of ideas but rather sought to root his actions in political militancy. After breaking with GRECE, he became obsessed with such issues as the clash of European values with Islam and the decline of Europe under the assaults of Muslim immigration. He eventually became an influential author within the Identitarian movement, predicting a soon-to-come racial civil war between ethnic Europeans and those peoples he saw as “invaders.” He also had a strong influence on White nationalist movements in Europe and the United States.