Nalanda tradition is kept alive for centuries in the Himalayan belt. To understand Himalayas, it is imperative to learn about Nalanda tradition that flourished under the aegis of Nalanda University, which existed from 1st century. AD to 13th century AD. The University has a glorious intellectual heritage in many fields of studies such as philosophy, logic, psychology, metaphysics, epistemology, cosmology and literature, marked by scholarly depth and rigour. These subjects developed to a great height of excellence through the contributions of intellectual giants such as Arya Nagarjuna, Arya Dev, Acharya Chandrakirti, Bodhisattva Shantideva, and many others. In Nalanda the great pundits, broadly speaking, followed four different philosophical thoughts, and yet lived together harmoniously. The Buddha Shakyamuni, himself taught four seemingly contradictory philosophies. The reason behind this is the Buddha’s appreciation of the varying mental dispositions of people. The Nalanda masters lived harmoniously despite differences in their philosophical views, with due recognition of the multiplicity of mental propensities. Today, this model of the mode of living and learning of the Nalanda pundits is ideal for followers of the various religious traditions to live harmoniously and work for the common cause to create peace on earth. Legacy of these great beings from Nalanda is marked by the cultivation of wisdom to see everything as dream-like in the context of the interdependency of all phenomenon and unconditional love that simply erases all ill thoughts by embracing all sentient beings, leaving none aside. This keeps one, the family of sentient beings and the environment in peace and calmness at all times.