This chapter focuses upon the issue of minority rights as a tool in liberating sections of people from injustice, and the chapter relies on Hind Swaraj, some of Gandhi’s other writings, and his struggle for support. In the current global and national context of explosion of democratic consciousness, human rights and minority rights are useful tools of furthering the liberation process. Two factors of global significance have contributed to demonisation of Muslims worldwide, the process also having its repercussions on the minority rights discourse in India. One is Huntington’s theory of the clash of civilisations. Another one is the 9/11 terrorist attack on twin towers in New York. Also, within each minority group there are sections which are more powerless. The issue of power has therefore to be addressed at two levels: within minorities and for minorities. Those seeking equitable share in power need to fall back on Gandhi with a greater commitment for his non-violent methods of protest.