Swaraj or self-rule, is inherent to every being on earth. Gandhi’s starting point was the individual. ‘The first step to Swaraj lies in the individual.’ The great truth: ‘As with the individual so with the universe’, is applicable here as elsewhere. What applies to the individual can be extended to groups of increasing size up to the whole world community. Thus Swaraj was above all about individual autonomy, involving self-respect, self-discipline and maturity. Such individuals would resolve differences themselves without resort to external coercion, such as the judicial system. A view of Tribal communities helps us realise that the sense of autonomy, and independence preached by the Swaraj movement has been with Tribal communities for long. They have sought to remain as independent republics, and asserted time and again their autonomy. Gandhi talks of being ready to defend one’s village to death, as a point of honour and duty.