Gram Swaraj in the Tribal areas is both a myth and a reality. The whole community took up cultivation of some communal land and the harvest was added to the grain banks. The Growing Commercial importance of non-timber forest produce minor forest produce has led the state govt. Kashipur in Rayagada District of Odisha is endowed with very rich bauxite being part of east coast deposits which form 70% of the country’s total deposits. The quality of the mineral is high-grade with low silica content. Increasingly, the state’s policies and laws have shown a clear anti-Tribal and anti-poor bias, and the attempts for Tribal self-rule have come in direct conflict with the state. The Tribal Development Co-operative Corporation which has the responsibility to protect the Tribals and primary collectors invariably enters into deals with local traders and allows them to carry out the business of the items for which they hold the lease.