The quality and popularity of three-dimensional capture has greatly increased in the recent years. Using imaging devices to digitally model parts of our world, such as places and people, is a well-established practise in the entertainment industry, and 3D reconstructed models have recently started to be deployed in applications for handheld personal devices, therefore becoming more accessible to the common user. Bringing this technology to other fields has a variety of challenges. In the ERC-funded BlackBox project, we have explored the usage of 3D capture for dance and the performing arts, creating several applications and visualisations, which showcase some of the possible applications of this novel technology in a traditionally “non-tech context.” In this chapter, we describe the main challenges and lessons learnt around 3D capture and the visualisation of dance data over the course of a five-year project encompassing three different case studies. We provide guidelines and considerations towards using this technology successfully and showcase different examples of our outputs.