When modern management methods and slow life coaching are applied to the traditional agritourism farm, then its business model could be regarded as one example of the creative-tourism industry. To undergo business transformation, traditional agritourism has to be able to incorporate two sides of modern consumer value management: the ability to cultivate true human values (the implementation of slow life coaching), and the ability to co-create the local network of service facilities (the value chain extension). This narration is followed by modeling and designing agritouristic activities, which should lead to well-being education as well as inspire agritourists to resolve their problems by themselves (application of the invisible coaching model). The case of Lime Tree Valley Park, located in Poland, reveals how the slow life philosophy has been integrated successfully into the agritourism business model and coaching style. Education to slow life through creating an authentic experience is a way to apply the understanding of humanistic management into modern agritourism services.