Cultivating a new worldview requires practice and cultivating a new practice requires frequent questioning of the taken-for-granted, of one's assumptions. Economists, activists, public servants, and humanities scholars have all offered criticisms and alternatives to the systems that have led to the rampant social and environmental crises of today. These crises have frequently, and diversely, been traced back to our dominant ways of being in the world in what can be called transition discourses. By proposing degrowth and post-developemnt as models to shrink the global population's demands within the carrying capacity of the planet, they directly challenge neoliberal capitalism's dominion. By increasingly recognizing the rights of nature, nations are challenging the legal definition of personhood. By working toward regenerative, distributive, and embedded design of their economies, cities and regions are challenging nature and culture divides. In promoting change of individual behavior and perception, scholars and activists are challenging consumerism, traditional identity, and rationalism.