To consider the expansion of working space to promote knowledge creation, we set up the question “In what direction should we expand the working space so as to effectively enable the creation and activation of the Ba (relationships) that encourages knowledge creation?” In addressing this question, we used the concept of “Ba” in knowledge creation theory. We approached the question from the perspective of three elements, i.e., “sharing”, “in motion”, and “context” included in the definition of the Ba, and obtained the insights of “sharing in an open system” and “non-verbal context”. After further specific consideration, we extracted “external knowledge utilization” from “open system sharing” and “improvisational response” from “non-verbal context” as policies for expansion of space. We also introduced four successful case studies of excellent utilization of information and communications technology (ICT). The answer to the question is two points as follows: (i) there can be greater use of ICT while considering how to geographically expand space to utilize external knowledge and (ii) there can be greater use of ICT while considering how to temporally expand space to allow for improvisational responses.