This chapter documents an interdisciplinary project The School of Looking, which attempts to develop an understanding and awareness around human and animal vision exploring the biology and physics of insects (bees, flies, and spiders), and the impact that climate change and habitat loss have on a declining population. Insects such as bees and spiders play a crucial role for biodiversity. Their apparent decline is of major concern and warrants a consideration within the discussion of climate change and the impact of climate change.

The project demonstrates how art practice when used effectively to communicate issues around climate change and the impact of climate change can be a powerful tool that joins the elements of diverse issues, the catalyst for stimulating learning and a different way of looking at knowledge.

Looking to children's natural sense of curiosity and openness to explore the world around them, the natural environment the children occupy is a rich source in fostering children's imagination as well as encouraging observation, experimenting, manipulating with the view of fostering appreciation and empathy for our natural environment.