The objects of interest to ecclesiologists combined in the “World’s Fair” are so numerous and so diversified that the people shall best consult the convenience of the meeting by entering at once into the notice, incomplete and fragmentary as they feel it will be, of the various divisions into which it distributes itself. The most conspicuous specimens of stone carving are to be found in the English nave, and consist of a squeeze of a spandril at Hereford Cathedral and a large churchyard cross. The relief figure of the bishop at the back kneeling, and holding the model of the church of which he was the founder, is very graceful. The Austrian suite of rooms contains beautiful examples of parquet flooring. The whole instrument consists of a set of wooden pedal pipes, a great organ inclosed in a general swell, and another swelling organ within; the voicing of the whole, and the harmony of the various parts is very fine.