Monopolists and selfish individuals have long contended, that people, the unrepresented, the industrious portion of the community, who are to all intents and purposes the real pride, the real prop, the real wealth, the real strength, the real greatness, the producers of all that is useful, both for rich and poor, the protectors and defenders of the nation, have no right to participate in the advantages which they derive from unequal representation. The mechanic is bringing into existence machines which enable the capitalists to: reap the benefit, and amass thereby great wealth, whilst it obviates the necessity for the labour of his fellow-man, who is made surplus, walks the streets, driven to offer himself for less wages, and thus gives the manufacturers an opportunity to make encroachments upon labour, by way of reductions, or drives him either to spend his life like a felon, in a Poor Law Bastile.