This chapter points out what might be done for the people by the establishment of Home Colonies, on an enlightened and honest basis: as another strong reason why the working classes should exert themselves to secure their political enfranchisement. The privacy of poor men's homes are remorselessly invaded by those charitable, idling, gossipping, busy bodies; their wretched substitutes for beds and bedding inspected, and the whole duly inserted in some asthmatical country newspaper, together with a glowing eulogium on the benignity, humility, and charity of Miss Theresa Juliana Scraggs. The working classes have sadly neglected their interests in those matters, for, instead of organizing and consolidating their strength, to obtain a secure footing in society, they have wasted their energies in isolated bye battles, or in running after every new chimera which turned up in the political quarrels of the rival factions.