Liverpool seems fated for notoriety as the birth-place of Financial and Economic Associations. Direct taxation is the standing principle of one of the Liverpool Associations. To those who are anxious for a rigid economy and a reduction of burdens, Direct Taxation has special claims for support. Under its operation the wealthiest capitalists would be loudest in their demands for low taxation. Sir James Graham recently declared that Free Trade was the international policy of England, and the repeal of the Navigation Laws, the capital of the column; to those who think with the ex-minister, the Liverpool Direct Taxation movement has special claims. The Liverpool financial reform association have also done great work, and done it well. Their tracts have exposed the complications and mismanagement of the existing system of taxation. The advocates of the People's Charter have long stood on the extreme verge of the circle, and openly, frankly, and generously have invited all on-lookers to enter.