This chapter discusses how inflammation is an intrinsic part of nutrition biology and provides for repair and maintenance. The maintenance of the body’s internal environment within narrow physiological limits against external and internal challenges, including those from food intake and usage, is referred to as ‘homeostasis’. Many homeostatic systems in the body, including the metabolic, immune, central nervous, cardio vascular, digestive and reproductive systems, are regulated by the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. The proper balance between the acids and alkalis (or bases) in body fluids is crucial for the normal physiology of the body and cellular metabolism. Metabolic processes generate both volatile and non volatile acids. Monovalent cations, notably sodium and potassium, serve cellular functions like those of water distribution or hydration and osmolarity, membrane potential, energy transporters, enzyme activity and communication channels. When food energy intake equals energy expenditure, energy balance is achieved.