This chapter describes the 30-year experience of a small private diabetes hospital in Bangkok that follows the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, beginning with embracing a set of virtues and working extensively with up-to-date knowledge. The healthcare system for ordinary Thais faces failure unless drastic change happens soon. Although more and more money is being spent on healthcare, increasing numbers of people living in Thailand are experiencing poor healthcare services. The vision and dedication of several Royal Family members influenced much of Thailand’s development, including its healthcare. Increases in the cost of healthcare in Thailand are driven by a growth in the number of people suffering from chronic diseases that require lifelong care, the widespread use of advanced technology and specialists as discussed, and the business structure of private hospitals. Virtually all the big players in Thailand’s healthcare system seem to ignore many aspects of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, from forming virtuous objectives to a sufficiency mindset around moderation, reasonableness and prudence.