Raja Ram Mohan Roy represented the beginning of the first epoch of modern India, which was, in some respect, the most crucial age in the evolution of Indian history from medieval to modern times. Ram Mohan imbibed the best of the teachings of other religions to transmit its benefits to the welfare of the people. He was very much influenced by the monotheism of Islam and tried to do away with the mythical and fanciful hindering the core of Vedānta and Upaniṣhads. Though he was proud of the spiritual tradition of Hindu philosophy, at the same time he was an outspoken critic of the contemporary superstitions and follies of the people. As a crusader of social justice, he had firm faith in the dignity of the individual, irrespective of caste, religion, and country. Ram Mohan was a patriot who felt concerned at the subordinate and degrading position of Indians in different spheres and desired to uplift them through various reforms pertaining to social and religious matters. He set out to reconstruct a social order, inhabited by people independent of the will of others. He envisaged a social order which would enable the individuals to develop their personalities, benefitting the society as a whole. He inaugurated an era of investigation and enquiry with faith in the possibilities of unrestricted improvement of the individual in all fields. Ram Mohan underlined the importance of the cardinal value of freedom and equality - freedom from the undue religious restrictions and education is the medium to undo prejudices and enable individuals to free themselves. Ram Mohan’s ideas were a valid force in the nineteenth century, which changed the face of Indian society. After reading this chapter, readers will be able to understand the socio-political thought of Raja Ram Mohan Roy, hailed as the architect of modern India. The practical approach Ram Mohan adopted led him to propagate political, educational, and humanist ideas.