Not all post-capitalist dystopias are fiction. In recent years, conservative and libertarian economists have started to ask whether the future of the US is ‘mass serfdom,’ that is a property-less underclass only able to survive by servicing the needs of high earners. The capitalist dynamics that led to imperialism as the monopoly stage of capitalism that consolidate the “dominance of monopolies and finance capital” are today tending towards neofeudalism. Capitalism is producing its own gravediggers, but the gravediggers aren’t proletarians; they are the tendencies transforming the system into something else. Capitalism is turning itself into a neofeudalism of new lords and new serfs, a micro-elite of platform billionaires and the massive service sector or sector of servants. Communicative capitalism is at a crossroads: communism or neofeudalism. Communism names that emancipatory egalitarian mode of association to which we should aspire and for which we have to organise and fight.