The World Health Organisation states that a healthy lifestyle is a way of living that reduces the risk of serious illness or premature mortality. Following a healthier lifestyle is a key to being a more positive role model for other people and family, as well as an extension of life expectancy and longevity. This chapter debriefs the impacts of lifestyle factors including diet, physical activity, alcohol use and smoking on population health. The relationships between lifestyle and pathophysiology of lifestyle-related diseases are discussed. In order to promote, improve and sustain health in the community; and reduce financial strains on both individuals and society for long term, local health systems on supporting behavioural modification and the availability of health promotion programmes to the population in the community are introduced. The chapter encompasses an understanding of the relationship among lifestyle, health and illness, controversies on lifestyle, challenges of behavioural modification towards healthy lifestyle and socio-economic disparities in policy on promoting healthy lifestyle to population in the community.