In showing that digital media facilitates the setting for emergence but does not cause it, the author would like to use this chapter to discuss five factors which may be considered to be among the cultural structures, norms, disciplinary and biopolitical circumstances that foster the development of the new taxonomy. While digital media, then, is a site which makes available the space for the critique of gender and sexual identity norms and for both the dissemination and co-creation of alternative discourses, it does not in itself cause these but rather enables a cultural response to existing needs, gaps, exclusions, unliveabilities and other shortcomings in the dominant, liberal frameworks of binary-based gender and sexual identity models. Alternatively, in the context of sexuality and eros, a subject might have a felt experience of polymorphous diffusion of eros across the body that is unrelated to gender, to the genitals and to engaging with other bodies as gendered bodies.