This chapter reflects on emergent conceptual tools, methods and mindsets associated with policy mobilities to discuss how these insights help inform my understanding and practise of policy sociology in education. I hope to reveal the messiness associated with policy mobilities and make explicit the onto-epistemic implications of enacting such a methodology. Adopting a mobilities-informed policy sociology has provided me with new opportunities and spaces for research encounters (e.g. in-person observations, digitally-mediated interviews, social media searches, etc.), but it also raises numerous questions about how I can meaningfully and reflexively inhabit the social spaces through which policies move and mutate. The chapter deals with how I negotiated my own role and positionality as a researcher who employs ‘mobile methods’ to move within diverse policy networks and virtual spaces. Informed by my own experiences, I offer what can come from critical policy research that accounts for, and even embraces, the realpolitik of policymaking, movement and enactment.